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Forensic Locksmith

Onelock's forensic locksmith service is industry leading in it's depth of investigation and comprehensive reporting.

Experienced since 1999 in the forensic examination of locks on commercial & residential buildings, safes, ATM's, and motor vehicles and safes - for the Queensland Police Service and major insurance companies. Experienced in court appearance as an expert witness.

Key transponder security systems were introduced to Australia in 1995, and today can be found in 98% of all motor vehicles - manufactured after 2000. Today's transponder security systems make vehicles extremely difficult to steal without the correct key.

When the alleged theft of a motor vehicle is being investigated, in association with an insurance claim or alleged crime - ONELOCK CAN ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR INVESTIGATION.

Onelock's Forensic Locksmith Service will also examine keys and locks from doors, padlocks, & windows - from buildings, houses, sheds, commercial & industrial.

  • Analysis of mechanical security devices by-pass for automotive locks, door locks and safes & vaults


  • Analysis of keys in determining duplication & usage


  • Analysis of security engine immobiliser systems


  • Safe and Vault identification, service and opening techniques


  • Combination lock – mechanical and electronic serving & opening


  • High security master key systems

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